You Don't Know Jack Questions List


You Don't Know Jack is a trivia party game co-developed by Jellyvision (now Jackbox Games) and Berkeley Systems and originally published past Sierra in 1995 for PC and Macintosh. It is framed every bit a quiz game show in which ane to iii players can compete to earn virtual cash by answering a series of trivia questions. You Don't Know Jack is notable for its comedic presentation and dialogue, most of which is delivered by the show's fictional unseen host "Nate Shapiro" (voiced past YDKJ creator/director Harry Gottlieb).

The original version of You Don't Know Jack (sometimes referred to as "Vol. 1") was a critical and commercial success. An expansion chosen the "You Don't Know Jack Question Pack" was released in 1996 and adds four hundred brand-new questions, making a thousand total of over 1,200 unique questions once it is installed. The base game and the Question Pack were besides bundled together as "You Don't Know Jack XL: X-tra Large" after the same year. Both the original YDKJ and the expanded "XL" version accept been nerveless in numerous boosted series compilations over the years.

A PlayStation release titled "You lot Don't Know Jack" was released in 1999; still, this version is actually a console port of You lot Don't Know Jack: Volume 3 with a number of updates and other changes to accommodate the console's hardware.


Selecting a question category
Selecting a question category

You Don't Know Jack is exclusively controlled via keyboard. At the start of a new game, a sign-in host named "Cookie" asks for the full number of players (one, two or iii), after which each player enters their own name. Cookie then asks players to select betwixt either a shorter seven question tournament-manner format or a full twenty-one question game. Each role player is assigned their own "buzzer" key on the keyboard, allowing players to buzz in earlier selecting their answers. The bulk of YDKJ'due south questions are multiple-selection, with four possible answers selected using the number keys.

Rounds 1 & 2

The game allows players to select from three different question categories at at time during a game's first and second rounds. In multiplayer games, the player with the almost contempo right answer chooses the category for each question (except for the first question'due south category which is randomly assigned to a player). If none of the 3 categories are selected after several seconds, ane will be called at random by the host. Once a category is chosen, the host reads its associated question, and players are given several seconds to buzz in before attempting to answer.

A typical multiple-choice question
A typical multiple-choice question

Answering a question correctly earns a sure amount of cash based on its relative difficulty. In Round 1, standard multiple-choice questions are worth $yard, $2000 or $3000, and these amounts are doubled in Round 2 if playing a full-length game. However, answering incorrectly (or buzzing in and declining to select whatever answer) deducts the same amount from a player's total score, which can be decreased to negative dollar values. If a question is incorrectly answered, any players who have all the same to buzz in notwithstanding have the selection to practice so and select ane of the remaining answer choices.

Spiral Your Neighbour

In multiplayer games, each player is given a Screw along with a chance to "Screw Your Neighbor". Buzzing in and then using the Spiral allows a histrion to force one selected opponent to answer the current question. All the same, if the Screwed player answers correctly, they win cash as usual while the histrion who attempted to Screw them loses the aforementioned corporeality.

Players receive only a single Spiral during curt games. For full-length games, each player receives a Spiral at the offset of Rounds ane and ii.

Special Questions

This version of YDKJ contains two special types of questions which sometimes appear instead of the standard multiple-choice diversity during Rounds 1 and two.

A Gibberish Question answered
A Gibberish Question answered
  • Gibberish Question: Backup-the-blank-mode questions that are based on a "mondegreen": a misinterpretation of a phrase that rhymes with or sounds phonetically similar to the original. These questions crave players to manually type their answers using the keyboard after buzzing in. Players must enter the correct version of a well-known but misheard phrase to match the question; for example, the phrase "sock a guy, salve me" is a mondegreen for "Rock-A-Goodbye Baby". These questions take a thirty-second time limit and initially are worth $5000 (double in Round 2). The host provides additional clues equally time passes without a right answer, but the cash advantage also decreases by $250 ($500 in Round 2) every one-and-a-half seconds. Players cannot use Screws against each other during Gibberish Questions.
  • Cobweb Optic Field Trip: A rare once-per-game question type that only appears during full-length games. Afterwards calling a random private from the phone book, the host asks them to write their own multiple-option question worth $5000. The host so transfers the new "guest host" to the show'due south producer and so they can etch their question, which is presented at the get-go of Circular two. Fiber Optic Field Trips are triggered by receiving a Gibberish Question equally the third or fourth question during Circular 1, guaranteeing that either the seventh or eighth question volition initiate a Field Trip.

Other Features

  • Don't Be a Wimp: This equalizing feature is activated during multiplayer games if whatsoever histrion gains a very large lead over the other competitors. If this feature is active and a question is passed on without a single buzz in, the host points out the lead thespian's score advantage, prompting the audience to shout "Don't Be a Wimp!" and forcing the lead player to reply the question.
  • Burned: The host may punish players that buzz in too quickly on multiple-choice questions past completely hiding the question itself, leaving the player with only x seconds to blazon in their answer. The Burned feature is triggered past buzzing in at the very moment a question appears on-screen; this likewise prevents the player who buzzed in from using a Screw confronting other players. If the Burned player manages to answer the question correctly, the host expresses their disbelief but will all the same award the cash equally usual.

Jack Attack

The last round of every game is the "Jack Assault," a word association game based on a item theme which is provided as a clue prior to the start of the round. Players' total scores are hidden during this round.

A correct answer for the clue
A correct answer for the clue "A Match Fabricated In Cartoonland"

In one case the Jack Assault begins, a discussion, proper noun or phrase is displayed in the heart of the screen. Potential answer phrases are also shown one-at-a-time somewhere else on the screen, which rapidly begin fading abroad before the adjacent possible reply appears. Players can attempt to fizz in when two question and respond phrases matching the overall theme appear on-screen simultaneously; for example, if the clue is "nicknames" and the central question phrase is "New York Metropolis," then a correct lucifer would exist "Large Apple". Each successful lucifer earns $2000, while wrong answers subtract the same amount per buzz in.

The question phrases shown in the center will remain there for several seconds, slowly growing larger until either they are correctly matched with an answer phrase, or the game cycles through 7 potential answers with no right matches. There are a full of seven unique question phrases per Jack Attack, some of which may exist repeated if not matched correctly on the start attempt.

The Jack Attack ends after either (A) all vii question phrases have been matched correctly, (B) seven to fourteen total question phrases (including repeats) take been displayed, and/or (C) all question phrases have been either matched or attempted twice. At the terminate of the round, each player's final score is revealed, and the role player with the most cash wins the game.


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